rbenv vs rvm

rbenv vs. RVM Choosing a Ruby version management tool often comes down to two players: rbenv and RVM. The latter was widely accepted as the norm, greatly due to its wide toolkit. However, rbenv has become a strong contender with its lightweight approach.

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Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • In contrast with RVM, rbenv does not … Need to be loaded into your shell. Instead, rbenv&#...
    Why rbenv? · rbenvrbenv Wiki · GitHub
  • rbenv vs. RVM Choosing a Ruby version management tool often comes down to two players: rbe...
    Choosing a Ruby Version Management Tool: rbenv vs RVM
  • How rbenv hooks into your shell Skip this section unless you must know what every line in ...
    GitHub - rbenvrbenv: Groom your app’s Ruby environment ...
  • list all available versions: $ rbenv install -l # install a Ruby version: $ rbenv install ...
    Guide to switching to rbenv bliss from RVM hell · GitHub
  • Simple question. I tried googling it, but after reading a few pages (some of them outdated...
    Rbenv or RVM, which one to use and why?? : rails - Reddit
  • I used to use RVM with gemsets and loved it. Wayne’s work is amazing and way beyond any sh...
    Rbenv vs RVM | SQUARISM
  • 2014年7月23日 - An earlier video had me installing RBENV, which required me to implode the v...
    RBENV VS RVM | Treehouse Community
  • 在公司用rvm,最近在家里的电脑试用rbenv + bundler; rvm和rbenv在使用上都没有给我带来太大的问题;但是如果是新的开发环境或者是生产环境下,我还是倾向于用rb...
    rbenv vs rvm, 你们选择用哪个? · Ruby China
  • 2015年6月17日 - RVM. I did try rbenv, but I just couldn't get it to work on my server so...
    Rbenv, rvm, chruby? Which do you use and why? - Ruby Chat ...
  • 2014年3月3日 - Personally I prefer rbenv because it works well with Homebrew and doesn't...
    ruby - What are the differences between rbenv, rvm, and chruby ...
  • I am interested in how RVM and rbenv actually work. Obviously they swap between different ...
    ruby on rails - How do RVM and rbenv actually work? - Stack ...
  • RVM and rbenv Tweet Many of you are familiar with rbenv and some of the controversy surrou...
    RVM and rbenv - Jonathan
  • rvm and rbenv side by side install. In RVM you need to add this to your profile to load th...
    RVM and rbenv - jonathan-jackson.net
  • Management. RVM is less popular than rbenv. Newsletter Submit Categories Login Subscribe S...
    RVM vs rbenv | LibHunt
  • I've been using RVM for a while now on my Mac and only recently heard of and switched ...
    RVM vs RBEnv? : ruby - reddit
  • You can accomplish same thing with both. One difference with rbenv is that is only keeps o...
    rvm vs. rbenv - Google Groups
  • 2016年3月16日 - Hi Carsten,. There is a great post on this http://jonathan-jackson.net/rvm-a...
    Why not use rvm? Is rbenv better for Mac? | Treehouse Community
  • In contrast with RVM, rbenv does not … Need to be loaded into your shell. Instead, rbenv&#...
    Why rbenv? · rbenvrbenv Wiki · GitHub
  • rbenv vs. RVM Choosing a Ruby version management tool often comes down to two players: rbe...
    Choosing a Ruby Version Management Tool: rbenv vs RVM